Un medio global especializado en Trail Running

Susan Donnelly | «Don’t Go Home Without A Buckle» | 100+ 100 mile races

Susan Donnelly is one of the most accomplished 100 mile racers, ranking top 10 and winning the Master's Category consistently. "Expand what you think is possible for yourself" a message she has for women in particular who tend to over-prepare for these challenges. A vegan and life coach, she prioritizes mental strength and determination over the high-mileage practices of many athletes.


Comfortable and Strong.

Susan’s mantra for success.

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After her 17th finish at Massanutten Mountain Trails 100, Susan talks to us about mud, mindset and breaking past 200 mile races.

Susan’s Top Award in Master’s Category and Female Solo Division (No Pacers, No Crew).

Long considered her «hometown 100», Massanutten might no longer be the closest 100 mile race for her, but has become a tradition; one where she now holds more finishes than any other woman and only a handful of men have a few more finishes than her.


Susan offers services as a coach. Not to set miles, but to set goals and plan every step of the way. Her website is http://susanidonnelly.com

These old mountains have eroded to endless rocky breaks, where trails are almost unidentifiable if not for color blazes painted on the rocks. Between peaks, the race affords some runnable sections along dirt roads, otherwise the time limit would be very challenging. The event is a relaxed, classic race without the hype.


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